With Cloudfanatic server upgrades are possible via two different ways explained below.

Upgrade to a higher plan #
Cloudfanatic staff can upgrade your server to a higher plan picked by you from our website: view all plans and pricing. To request a server upgrade simply open a ticket on our Sales & Billing helpdesk and specify:
- which of your existing instance you want to upgrade
- which new plan you want to upgrade to
Upgrading individual resources #
Cloudfanatic also support upgrades of individual resources such as only CPU, DISK or Memory or any combination of resources. The current upgrade pricing is as follows:
- RAM – $1/mo per 1GB of ram for All instances
- vCPU – $1/mo per vCPU for Regular instances
- vCPU – $5/mo per vCPU for Hybrid instances
- Disk – $1/mo per 10GB of SSD space for All instances
To request a server upgrade simply open a ticket on our Sales & Billing helpdesk and specify:
- which of your existing instance you want to upgrade
- which resource(s) and how much of it you want to upgrade
Our upgrade process is seamless, meaning there is no data loss. Only a server reboot will be required in order for your server to see the new resources. Our sales stuff will provide you all additional information needed, if any, to complete the process.
Server Downgrading #
Server downgrading is only possible for already upgraded CPU and/or RAM. Downgrading disk space or downgrading an instance to a lower tier plan is not possible without a complete and irreversible data loss.